Ricotta Pate

1/2 kg ricotta cheese (firm) not soft

4 eggs150 ml sour cream

2 tbsp cornflower

100 ml olive oil

4 cloves garlic

3 tbsp chopped blanched spinach

200 g mix of ground sunflower seeds, almond meal and walnuts (50 g sunflower, 50 g pumpkin, 100 g almond meal)

2 tbsp breadcrumbs

salt a pepper to taste

10 green pitted olives

6 medium chopped mushrooms fried with  2 tbsp chopped onions


1. Blend mushroom mixture with garlic, spinach a olives. Blend well.

2. Place ricotta in a mixmaster and once smooth, add the 4 eggs.

3. Blend sour cream, with mushroom mixture + garlic + spinach + olives. Blend till smooth. Mix both together with wooden spoon. Add almond meal mixture + olive oil & conte to mix together and add + 2tbsp cornflower
The mixture is now ready for baking. Preheat the oven to 180C.

While oven is warming, prepare baking pan  (approximate dimensions – 25 x 13 x 8 cm) by buttering the baking dish and placing place baking paper on the bottom and sides. Once again butter the top of the baking paper and this time sprinkle breadcrumbs in to cover the base and sides.

Pour in mixture into the baking pan, and smooth it out with a spoon by placing a few drops of olive oil over the top.a smooth top with

Cover pate with baking paper (top only), and then place aluminium foil over top tightly.

Put into oven preheated to 200C.Bake for 30 minutes on 200C, and after that reduce it to 160C for a further 10 minutes (or as required) before beginning to check it’s readiness with a wooden skewer.Once no mixture is sticking to the skewer the pate is ready.

Leave it to cool in the pan, and then store in the fridge, best done the next day.

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